Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Learn To Make Your Submodalities Work For You!

As human beings, we make sense of the world through our five senses ... sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. This is the information used to make up our internal representations of the world.

What this means is that every thought, memory or use of imagination, contains information from our senses. So, it may comprise pictures, sounds, feelings, smells or taste.
Furthermore, the information from our five senses contains lots of different qualities and distinctions.

So for example a picture can be moving or still, bright or dim, black and white or colour, a good or poor contrast, 3-D of flat just for starters ... which only takes in the distinctions made using sight ... there are four other senses we use everyday as well!

If you haven't heard about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), you may never have given much thought to how you code information in your brain. NLP has a name for the finer distinctions of our senses – submodalities. Its not something we usually think about, but it's extremely valuable to know about.

It's valuable to know about submodalities, because it's possible to use them to modify and / or change how our memories are coded in our brains and as a result change the meaning of the memory.

By making changes to the coding, memories and imaginings about the future can be made more or less intense, positive or negative, more desirable or less real.
Have you ever had the experience of thinking about a past event, or suddenly remembering something and feeling intense unpleasant feelings?

It may be that you have a fear of something, and some kind of trigger, a word, smell or sound etc may set you off, so that you experience all those unpleasant feelings as if they're really happening in that moment.

NLP, has a range of techniques, which can be used to reduce or eradicate the intensity of remembered experiences. Its possible to take an unpleasant memory, examine how it's coded and then make changes so that it's no longer unpleasant and the emotion just drains away.

You can also learn to be aware of the impact of how you code experience for yourself.

In it's simplest form working with submodalities can allow you, if you choose, to take something that has unpleasant feelings associated and allow those unpleasant feelings to drain away as if they never existed in the first place.

The best way to learn about submodalities is to experience them.
Try the following:

Find a quiet place ... or even better a quiet place with a committed friend to talk you through the process.

Have a think about something that's unpleasant or uncomfortable for you, like something that annoyed you recently.

When you think about it do you have a picture?

If so, where i
s the picture located, is it near or far? - If it’s near make it far and if its far, make it near. How does that feel? Place the picture wherever if feels best.

You could make other changes to the picture, try turning the brightness up or down, if its black or white make it colour and vice versa.

Do you see yourself in the picture, your whole body? (Disassociated) Or are you re-living it, as if through your own eyes (Associated)

Generally speaking when an event has unpleasant emotions for us attached to it, you'll be associated into the picture ... that is it'll be as if you're re-living the event as if you were really there, feeling the feelings, experiencing the experiences.

From this place of being in it ... move yourself to a place where it feels like you're watching yourself in a movie ... to the point where it seems as if
you're watching yourself on a screen.

Are there any important sounds to go with the picture?

If there is a voice, try changing it to something funny, perhaps Donald Duck, or a really sexy husky voice!

You can turn the volume up or down, make the tonality and quality clearer and even change where the sounds are coming from.

Again just play around to see what changes make the memory more pleasant.
Think about the feelings that go with the memory ... Where are they located?

Try, moving the feelings to somewhere else, say your little toe.
If they're moving, try making them still or vice versa.

What shape are the feelings? You could make them into a pink, fuzzy, vibrating ball, the size of an apple pip, located in your little toe!!

Notice the change in how they feel as you play around with them.

You'll notice that the funnier and more unreal you make this 'movie' the less intense the unpleasant feelings will be ... eventually you'll get to a point where the whole thing is feelingless ... if that's a word ... or even comedic.

It's at that point you'll find you'll be able to leave that unpleasant event behind you and move forward in your life with grace and ease.

Love to know how you get on! Leave a comment below.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 Ways You Can Manifest Money Quickly and Easily

The words quick and easy don’t seem believable when it comes to manifesting money. A lot of people have the mindset that if you want money it has to come with hard work.

It may just be true that hard works is necessary however it all depends on what sort of hard work you need to engage in, to manifest money quickly and easily.

The whole concept of manifesting requires a deep understanding of not only your relation to your physical reality but also to yourself and your alignment with what you want.

You know when you're in alignment with something by the way you feel when you focus upon it. If you feel joyful then you've opened yourself up to the flow of the creative force to pour great magnetism into you.
Attracting money is the same.

1. Attracting Money is Being Happy
Everyone who has been successful in manifesting great wealth will repeat this one mantra, 'Do what you love and money will come.' This is the first way.

There is a deeper scientific reason for this which goes just beyond the share joy of loving what you do. Although that’s important there's another reason. When you're enjoying what you do you move into a divine flow that empowers your intention.

2. Attracting Money is Being Bold
The second way to attracting money quickly is to remove fear from the equation of your desire and move into boldness. Too often people are unsure of what they want. When you're certain of your desires your mental image will also be clear and therefore easier to manifest.

3. Attracting Money is Being in the Feelings

The third step is the ability to increase magnetism of your desire bye getting into the feelings of already having ... so that what you want comes to you. This is the true essence of manifesting.

The more you feel 'As if you have ... ' the more magnetic you can be, the more charge there is between you and what you desire.

The secret to manifesting are in the right techniques.

Manifesting is all about technique.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Step to a Manifesting Life

Manifestation is the act or product of bringing about change through the direction of consciousness.

I bet like me, you know at least one person that seems to have everything they could ever dream of! Someone who's great at the act of Manifestation ... they just seem to think of something and there it is ... that or something even better!

And I bet also like me there are times when you may even have felt a little jealous of those people because it appears they have everything's with minimal effort as though they were born ‘lucky’.
True or true?

So, it's probably time you understood that the power of manifestation lies within each of us and it's up to you to learn more about it.

Manifestation is merely knowledge and skill.
Manifesting is no different to any other skill. Skills like playing a musical instrument or making gourmet meals require time and commitment to learn and practice. So too does the skill of manifesting.

How good you get, depends on how well you learn the skill and how well you apply it.
Even though some of us are better at some skills, doesn't mean the rest of us, with practice, can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another.

Some people seem to have learned to manifest so well they often don't even realize they do it. It just seems ‘natural’ like a well trained pianist seems to play the piano without thought or effort. They simply think of something and it's now part of their reality.

Those are the people that seem to be born ‘lucky’. Luck however, is not how they got there!
So, how can you start on your journey towards manifesting great things for yourself and those you love?

The first step – a basic understanding of the ‘Law of Attraction’

Gaining a good understanding of how the 'Law of Attraction' works is the first step in becoming a Magnificent Manifestor.

Yes you to can create our own reality now. Yes, you too can now attract riches, opportunities and happiness, etc., in our life when you learn to focus yourself on them so they are attracted to you.

Belief and Feeling
In order to do this, you must learn to believe and feel towards those things you seek in a way that brings them to you.

You probably also know at least one person (not you of course!), who dwells on what they don't want or have. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking ends up creating a reality that attracts ‘less’ as opposed to ‘having more’.

When you focus on "I hate my current employment" then you'll never notice the aspects of your employment that might be satisfying. You must understand that just wanting something isn't going to bring it to you if you continue to focus on the ‘lack’ of that something. You may have personally experienced that 'lack' attitude and learned that it blocked your true desires.

Where's Your Focus
You must learn to fine tune your focus on a particular item or scenario .. rather than on vague goals like ‘more cash’ or ‘winning money’.

Focusing on winning the lottery, for example, is a good example. Lots of people focus their attention on winning the lottery because they feel they 'lack' the things that money can purchase or the things they could do if they had that money. They focus on winning the lottery because they're focused on ‘less’ not ‘having more’.

Oddly enough, many who focus on winning naturally dream of what they could do to help others, even though many of those dreams could actually already be done with their current incomes on a smaller scale, but they don't.

They're focused on 'not enough' it won't ever matter how much money they have, it will never be enough.

When you're focused on the things you ARE really wanting to be doing as if you really are doing them, even if that's only in your imagination and really getting into the FEELINGS you've got when you're doing them ... then your skill of manifestation will improve dramatically.

This is the first step in learning how to manifest in your life. This same first step will work for all aspects of life from healthy, happy relationships to personal wealth.

It's all about the feelings!

Is it your turn now to make the most of out every situation?

Is it your turn now for others to see you as ‘lucky’?

You deserve it and it is time to take action now.
True or True?

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Visualization To Manifest ...

Creative visualization is the use of one's imagination to create a mental picture of what it is you wish to manifest, thus influencing reality.

Creating an idea or mental picture in your brain of exactly what it is you really want is to define the ability to imagine.
Repetition on a regular basis with strong emotions and intent gives the idea or mental picture you're creating, positive energy until it becomes real.

Science is starting to reflect the ideas of metaphysical and spiritual leaders that our physical world constitutes energy and not matter something that has been known to such enlightened folks for centuries. The most basic ingredient of this energy is a force which is called prana.

You Visualize Everyday
Thus visualizing prana energy entering through your nose and circulating throughout your body will have a tremendous revitalizing effect on your whole body & general outlook on life.

Visualization is not a new, strange or unusual concept for you're visualizing something practically every minute of the day.
The idea is to dwell on those thoughts you would like to become reality not as some future fantasy but as if they're real today and are part of your everyday life here and now.

It's The Feelings That Count

Program your brain and re-wire it as if what you desire is real and already taking place. As if you are watching your own self made video, play the role as a real life actor would with all the emotions and movements making it as real as you possibly can.

The mental picture needs to be as clear and vivid as you can possibly make it.
Through repetition you will learn and perfect the skill of creating the desired mental image and feel the experience as if it is already real and happening.

Visualization is pure magic of the highest order. It involves understanding and balancing oneself with the natural law that governs the inner most workings of the Universe we're part of and learning to use such laws and principles in the most conscious and creative ways.

Focus on the Things You Really Want
The message is to imprint the thought and image well into your brain and feed it continually on a regular basis ensuring your desired outcome becomes your reality.

The purpose of the visualization process is to break and flush the inner obstacles to allow more natural flow and increase self realization to increase ones ability to manifest with positive energy.

Remember: It's all about the feelings ... how strongly can you feel the feelings of having the things you really want?

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Four Myths About Building Self-confidence

People who are self-confident believe in themselves and feel they're capable of achieving what they want in life and dealing with any situation that they may have to face. They've an aura of self-assurance, which is apparent to others.

People like to spend time with them; they feel comfortable and secure in their presence.

In contrast, there are many people who are reasonably talented,and lack self-confidence. These people can be victims of the several myths that surround self-confidence.

1. P
eople Are Born With Self-Confidence
This is one of the foremost myths about self-confidence; it's a quality that cannot be acquired.

Nothing can be farther from truth. Self-confidence is a skill and like other skills, it can be built. All you need is right guidance and a belief in yourself.

2. Looks and Upbringing Determine Self-Confidence
Self-confidence has nothing to do with either looks or upbringing. It's a reflection of one's internal beliefs. The only way people can overcome this myth is by learning to believe in themselves.

In fact, talent and self-confidence are not inter-related.
There are scores of talented actors and actresses who do very well in their professions but whose personal lives are torn by lack of self-confidence.

Talent can be an important component of self-confidence, but it's certainly not a substitute for self-confidence. Tap into the good feelings you've got when you're using the skills you possess.

3. Recognition Determines Self-Confidence

Yet another myth is self-confidence is directly proportional to the recognition and praise that an individual gets in his or her life.

There's little doubt that recognition and praise from others instigates good feelings about yourself, and boosts your self-confidence.
But you can't depend on the praise of others. Self-confident people are good at recognizing when they've done something well which operates outside of anything others may or may not say about them.

For example a friend of mine who's quite dark skinned went to school and was often teased about his colour ... he remembers distinctly going home and looking in a mirror and realizing how good looking he was. He has the most amazing self-confidence even to this day.

Toddlers are a good example. They believe in themselves which gives them the self-confidence to try to do things they've never done before, like learning to walk and talk.

In fact, no child comes into the world knowing all the skills. But it does not take long to teach children most of the basic skills. Then, why should it be difficult for adults to learn new skills or brave new challenges?

4. Risk Takers are Self-Confident
Another myth is that only self-confident people can afford to take risks. Again, not true.

In fact, self-confident people are more realistic about their capabilities. They know what they can do, and what they can't do. More importantly, they know how to deal with failures.

In contrast, people who lack self-confidence are afraid of failure. This fear prevents them from taking on new tasks. They constantly pine for the approval of others, and when they don't get it they end up losing their self-confidence.

Self -Confidence is a State of Mind
It's not dependent upon a person's beauty or looks, where they were born or how they were brought up. It flows from a person's self-belief and this belief can be built.
All we need to do is to debunk the myths that self- onfidence cannot be acquired or that self-confidence is a byproduct of exceptional knowledge, skills and luck.

Once you do this, you'll find it easier to acquire the same magnetic powers that the self-confident people you admire have.

Remember: Everyone's good at something ... sort for the things you're good at, acknowledge yourself for them and very soon you'll notice you're self-confidence growing.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Discovering Internal Motivation ( Finding Your Carrot)

You can’t change a habit unless you replace it with another one.

The same is true of motivation. You can’t change how motivated you are unless you replace the undesirable motivation with a desirable one. Hence, you have to understand whether your motivation is a positive one or a destructive one.

Once your inspiration is identified, you must build on that inspiration until you create an intense hunger in yourself.

This means that you commit to taking responsibility for your own life. You set new goals for yourself or review your existing goals, as well as your reasons for setting them.

As you prepare to tap into your inspirations, ask yourself the following questions. Once you tap into this amazing source of motivation, you can create your own personal call to action.

1. What do you love to do?
2. What would you do with your life if you could do anything?

3. What inspires you?

4. What do you want to achieve in this life?

5. If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with your life?

To facilitate motivation and change, you must know and understand the answer to each of these questions. You can only facilitate change in yourself if you understand your motivation for making the change in the first place.

1. What knowledge and information do you need to take action?

2. Are you more motivated by inspiration, desperation or a combination of the two?
3. What is the cost of staying the same, or what will happen if you don’t change?

4. What are the benefits you'll receive when you make the change you are asking of yourself?
5. Do you feel capable and competent enough to make that change?

Life is a game and the more fun you're having the more you'll attract the things you really want in life.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Change is as Good as a Holiday

How many times do you hear yourself say “I need a holiday!”?

Your life is busy with routines - work, school, laundry, after school activities ... it’s no wonder you feel hassled, stressed or on that running wheel you can’t seem to get off of.

Maybe your job seems boring, or your daily schedule seems endlessly tiring.

You tell yourself you need a holiday, or convince yourself that you just need to get away from it all. But guess what? It’s all there when you come back, and all of that blissful feeling of well being ends in the first meeting at work, or even in the first hectic morning back in the routine.

I'm not sure where I first heard the saying, 'A change is as good as a holiday.' and realilstically it doesn't really matter. They were wise words and ones most of us have heard often. They're words I put to work in my life when I feel tired, stressed or just plain bored.

For some people though, just the word 'change' can be stressful.

They associate it with major events, like having to get a new job, moving house, an event that requires a major effort on their part or a change in the way they behave.

Change is Refreshing
But there are many changes that we can make that can refresh us on a daily basis, som
e serious and others fun.

Many of the options for change are not things that we even normally consider a 'change,' but they are things we can do to refresh our daily lives and maintain the balance we need.

They can be little things like taking a different route to work, the shops or school or even simpler things like putting the left leg into your pants before the right or the other way round or using a different hand to hold your toothbrush in.

Try it yourself ... I know when I first started doing my morning routine slightly differently it amazed me how something so small could make such a difference to the way I thought about things.

Meaningful Change
We all need to find the basic qualities that make our lives fulfilling and meaningful.

These basic qualities then become the elements of our lives - the fundamental components that make us whole. Recognizing these elements is not enough - the key is to find the balance of elements that reflects the importance and priorities of our lives.

So what makes your life meaningful? I'd love to understand what's important to you.

Remember: It's the journey that makes the difference ... enjoy the journey and the destination then becomes a bonus!

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Tyranny of When ... then ...

Most of us grow up living our lives with the concept of ‘Responsible people complete tasks they need to do before turning to those they want to do.’

‘When-then’ has lots of paybacks
It tells us that doing necessary jobs is an obligation, not a choice. It emphasizes that work comes before play. And it offers the promise of a reward or fun activity once the work is done.

It’s great when we’ve set a goal and we’re working systematically towards achieving it. It gives us that push to do the things we’re not so ... wrapped ... about doing in order to have the rewards of achieving our goals.

However, like most things in life there’s an upside and a downside and it can seriously impact our results when working with the Law of Attraction which tells us we need to be happy in the moment.

How do you know if you’re suffering from the Tyranny of ... When ____ then ___

There are some telltale signs in the language we use.
Do you use these sorts of phrases when you’re talking ... to yourself or others :))
  • When I lose twenty kilos then I'll like myself
  • When I find a partner then I'll be happy
  • When I get that raise then I'll be happy
  • When I pay off my mortgage then I'll feel secure
Trouble is we get so caught up in the doing, we forget to be happy in the moment and we end up pushing the things we really want away.

We work really hard and achieve the goal and then there’s just another goal to fill its place and we end up perpetuating that feeling of never arriving, of never being happy, or never being adequate or satisfied.

We forget that we only get one chance at this lifetime and the reality is, it’s the journey that matters.

So how about a little re-framing:
  • I'll be happy now and then I'll lose twenty kilos and it will be a bonus
  • I'll be happy now and then I'll get that raise and it will be a bonus
  • I'll be happy now and then I'll pay off the mortgage and it will be a bonus
  • I'll be happy now and then I'll find a partner and it will be a bonus
Everything you do in this world - all of it - is centred around being happy, around choosing to be happy, about expressing the essence of being happy.

ing else is simply part of the joy ride - all the money, clothes, belongings, adventures, awards - those are all by-products of you feeling great and making happiness your primary objective.

The biggest legacy you can ever create and the one that will make the biggest difference to you and the people around you is you living, breathing and enjoying the life your living.

Arriving at the destination is a bonus ... its how much fun you have along the way that’s the REAL reward!

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life Choices

Have you ever had the experience where you're thinking or chatting about someone or something and then a short while later they or it turns up?

That's what happened with this story :)) I was talking about it with a group of friends and then a few days later a completely different friend sent it to me.

Co-incidence? I don't think so. The Universe is only too happy to give us what we ask for ... what are you asking for?

Enjoy the read ... it's one that will make you feel wonderful on the inside!

Chush is a school in Brooklyn, New York that caters to learning disabled children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school career. At a Chush fund-raising dinner, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:

'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.

Yet my son Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot
understand things as other children do.

Where is the natural order of things in my son?'

The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.'

Then he told the following story:

Shay and I had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll let me play?' I knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team,
but as a father I also understood that if my son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.

I approached one of the boys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play. The boy looked around for guidance and said, 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning.'

Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt. I watched with a small tear in my eye and warmth in my heart. The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.

In the top of the ninth inning Shay put on a glove and played in the right field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again.

Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled t
o be next at bat.

At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat.. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.

However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.

The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.

The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay.

As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The game would now be over.

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.

Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.

Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the first baseman's head out of reac
h of all team mates.

Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling 'Shay, run to first! Run to first!'

Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base.

He scampered down the baseline wide-eyed and startled.

Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'

Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second, gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.

By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball ... the smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.

He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.

Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.

All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'

Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base and shouted, 'Run to third! Shay, run to third!'

As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home! Run home!'

Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team.

'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.

Now I ask you ... what can you do today that can help bring a little more love, understanding and humanity into this world of ours?

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Importance of I am

One of the most important things to learn on our journey through life is the power and influence of our spoken word.

Often times, when we make a statement or a declaration, we're unconsciously stating what we're willing to call forth into our reality. And sometimes our spoken word is exactly the opposite of that which we REALLY dream and desire.

Therefore, beginning your affirmation with
'I AM' calls the conscience mind to embrace the God presence within. The repetition of an affirmation beginning with 'I AM' stengthens and supports clarity.

'I AM' element is a powerful one. It emphasises the value of simply 'being' which is why it's so necessary to be fully aware of the words you use to refer to yourself after the statement ...'I AM ... '

We each exist as an individual of value and worth in our own right, irrespective of any possessions and achievements. Accepting and reinforcing this concept is good for all of us. This at its most basic level is the meaning and importance of 'I AM'

There is wisdom in accepting what you are. It is difficult to be what you are not. Being what you are doesn't require any effort. When you become wise, you accept yourself the way you are, and the complete acceptance of yourself becomes the complete acceptance of everyone else.
Don Miguel Ruiz

If you keep telling your subconscious that you 'are', then in time you will 'be'.

'I AM' is the statement of who you are
It's a positive affirmation of a real state of being that exists in you.

You can create a full list of
'I AM' statements by taking a personal positive inventory of your attributes, strengths, talents, and competencies

It makes no difference whether they're the things you 'are' in this moment or the things you'd like to 'BE' in this moment, the subconscious mind has no definition between the real or the imagined ... so long as you can get to a place inside yourself where you 'FEEL' the thing you wish to be or desire.

Cool isn't it! Once you're in that place where you feel the imagined is real then
you'll initiate the power of synchronicity.

You might like to include some of these
'I AM' statements in your list:

I AM competent; I AM energetic; I AM strong; I AM enthusiastic; I AM caring;
I AM intelligent; I AM relaxed; I AM beautiful; I AM joyful; I AM loving;
I AM a good person; I AM trusting; I AM generous; I AM courageous; I AM smart; I AM forgiving; I AM creative; I AM open; I AM talented; I AM sharing; I AM abundant; I AM wealthy; I AM lucky

Remember: you are who you think you are. The answer to happiness and fulfilment is usually found in achieving a simple acceptance of and joy of living a good life.

Enjoy 'being' and living a good life.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Positive Affirmations

Positive self-affirmations are a powerful tool each of us can use to create a happy, fulfilling life in whatever direction we choose. They can have a very powerful and encouraging affect on you and your inner being.

And why is that you might well ask? Two reasons standout.

Positive Affirmations Counter Your Inner Voice
They're healing, positive scripts you give to yourself to counter your negative inner voice, you know that nagging little chatterbox that runs a constant monologue on pretty well everything we do in our lives.

They can help you free yourself from anxiety and worry about other people’s opinions, attitudes, or feelings about you and help you feel good about yourself.

Positive Affirmations Resolve the Past
Positive self-affirmations will help you resolve negative feelings from the past so you can face the present with a less cluttered and more objective view. In doing this, you'll find you'll give yourself permission to grow, to change, to take risks, and to create a better life for yourself.

And what's more once you've let go of any negative emotional baggage your holding onto you'll be able to deal with your life in a realistic and positive manner.

And why would you want to go to all this effort?

Positive Affirmations Help You Create a Magical Life
When you visualize the way you REALLY want your life to look as opposed to what you don't want, you can work toward a more optimistic outlook and take responsibility for your own health and emotional stability.

You'll take a healthy self-oriented route in your life so that you can let go of the people and thoughts that drain your emotional resources and keep you from experiencing full personal health.

When you recognize that you have a right to be a healthy and happy human being, you'll have a fighting chance at achieving your full potential.

Positive Affirmations Puts Synchronicity into Action
In subduing the negative inner voice you'll begin allowing yourself to find your positive inner voice, the one that's looking out for the good things in life and that will help you become a fulfilled and happy individual.

You'll find yourself sorting for the good things in life and finding them more and more often as the Universe kicks into action to delvier what you're asking for.

Remember: Success prophecies, when visualized, imagined, or believed in, do come true. It’s time now, for you to believe that fully, you understand that don't you!
Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is Your Life Controlled by Fear and Worry?

Our fears impact us physically, mentally and emotionally. They enhance our negative thinking and impair our normal perception, rationality and comprehension and sometimes its even enough to make you feel sick.

Fear, and all of it's cousins, doubt, worry and anxiety may be the worst enemies of the human species.

Most people self-limit themselves. Most people do not achieve a fraction of what they are capable of achieving because they are afraid to try because they are afraid they will fail.

Fear of failure is one of the greatest fears people have and it's closely related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection. Fear of failure immobilizes you. To overcome this fear, you must act. When you act, act boldly.

The Law of Feedback states:
There is no failure; there is only feedback.

Successful people look at mistakes as outcomes or results, not as failure. Unsuccessful people look at mistakes as permanent and personal.

Buckminster Fuller wrote, “Whatever humans have learned had to be learned as a consequence only of trial and error experience. Humans have learned only through mistakes.”

List Making
Funnily enough one of the things I use when fear raises its head in my life is lists.

Making a list of the good and the bad, the pros and the cons, the for and the against ... depending on what it is you're working on allow you to really think about what it is you want to do and why you want to do it.

Developing your Why
It's possilby the thought that's put into the why you would want to do the thing that gives the power to take the actions you need to take to do the thing your thinking about doing.

The Worst and the Best

There's a couple of really good questions to ask yourself as you review your list:
  • What's the worst thing that could possibly happen?
  • Can you live with that?
Once you've answered these questions then the only other thing to think about is ...

Who's it good for?
Ultimately is it good for you, the people involved and the world around you?

How can you utilize these things to overcome your fears in your life and move yourself for
ward to getting the results you desire.

Remember: Successful people overcome their fear of failure.

We're all unique and special with our own set of talents and skills and the Universe is simply waiting for us to recognize this so it can create the synchronicities necessary for us to achieve the wonderful live we really deserve. So what are you waiting for ... get out that paper and write that list!

Love to know what's on your list! Pop it on the blog ... putting what you want out there makes it happen sooner and faster.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Discovering the Power of Choice

There are 3 simple steps to the process of discovering the purpose of your life ... My wish is you take each step and truly think about them and come out with a blueprint list that inspires you to feel excited about your life.

ng the principle of choice
Norman Vincent Peale has this to say about the power of choice. “The gr
eatest power we have is the power of choice. It's an actual fact, that if you've been drooping with unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead.

If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are made”.
Choosing is the most important activity of your mind, because by making a choice, you're proclaiming your desires to your subconscious mind.

Once the subconscious mind gets to know your desires, it's going to do anything to manifest them in your life. The choices you make in your life become your goal. And, if you are sincere in pursuing them, there's every reason why you'll accomplish them.

Indecision, on the other hand, not only creates frustration and anxiety, but can also confuse the subconscious mind about what you want.

But it's important that the choices you make are made by you, in accordance with your true desires, purposes and aptitude. A lot us of let others make choices for us, or make our choices according to what we think is ‘correct’, even if that means that we go against our wishes.

What's right for someone else may not be right for you, and the way to know this is listening to what your heart says.

So, to begin with, make a list of things which interests you; things you enjoy, which make you feel good, which inspire you to surge ahead, no matter what obstacles you face.

Do you like doing something creative, or something artistic? Do you enjoy nature, do you like the sea? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you get pleasure out of making a difference in other people’s life?

What ever it is that interests you, go ahead and make a list under the following headlines:

Things you love to do:


What is it that you love in this thing and why?

__________________ ___________________

How you could do this for money, and make a living out of it?


: this is all about the things YOU love to do, the things that make you feel great when you're doing them. This is how people get to a place where they never feel like they're working at all.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3 Magic Bedtime Questions

For many people, life zooms past, particularly once they reach their working age.

Everyday, it's the same flash routine of waking up, going to work, coming back from work, and sleeping.

It's no wonder why you'll ask yourself, "How did I get old so fast? Where did all the time go?"

The problem is in the routine work. The human mind has this habit called deletion. Anything that keeps repeating, memory does not record, simply because it's not worth taking notice of.

So how can we slow down our experience of time and not let our lives slip by in a flash?

The answer lies in developing mindfulness ... a heightened state of awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and actions. But if you can't do that yet, you can start off by practicing the 3 Magic Bedtime Questions.

As you lie in bed at night, ask and answer these three questions before you fall asleep:

1. What is one thing I am grateful for today?

2. What do I look forward to tomorrow?

3. What would I like to dream about tonight?

Why do I call these simple questions magical? Well, let me tell you the logic behind them.

What is one thing I am grateful for today?
This question requires you to think through your day to find something you're grateful for.

As you do that, not only will you find something to be grateful for, you will also have recalled your entire day. In Neuro-Linguistic Programming, we call this recapping experience.

Imagine putting your daily experience into a bottle, putting a cap on it, and labelling it, "The day I met Jenny".

Having many of these bottles in your mind, sorts your memories into significant experiences, rather than having them as one large clump called, 'My Working Years ... 20 to 50 years old.'

What do I look forward to tomorrow?
This question requires you to look forward in time and imagine what's going to happen tomorrow.

When you have something to look forward to, it creates a natural anticipation and drive. You'll feel motivated the moment you wake up. It'll be the first thing that pops into your mind.

What would I like to dream about tonight?
Now this question reveals your innermos
t desires because you naturally choose to dream about what you want and wish for.

This clarifies your direction and purpose.

Perform the 3 Magic Bedtime Questions nightly, and time will slow down. You'll remember
more about your life, and have greater clarity of mind to do what counts, before your time runs out.

Understand: by incorporating these 3 magic questions into your life you'll be setting in motion the Power of Synchronicity.

If you add journaling your answers into the mix the synchronicities in life will take that power to the max ... fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the ride of your life!

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Great Way To Generate All The Motivation You Need To Get Fit

If you're having trouble getting motivated to keep to your fitness program ... or if you haven't even got off the starting block yet, there's a tiny, inexpensive device that can provide you with all the motivation you need to get out and start moving your body around a bit more.

The pedometer, as it's known, can also make you WANT to do it and can even get you to ENJOY doing it!
What ... ? ENJOY exercising??? Surely some mistake? Well, no actually. Please read on.

What is a pedometer, you may well ask?
It's a small, compact device used for measuring the number of steps taken. And, as well as measuring the number of steps taken when walking, whether that be as you're wlking round the block, the office or the house, climbing the stairs, mowing the lawn, or doing the shopping.

How Does It Work?

It's small enough to clip to your belt and is fitted with a pendulum which measures one step each time your foot makes contact with the ground.

How Much Does It Cost?

Sometimes pedometers have been given away FREE as part of campaigns by local health authorities to get people moving their bodies more.
If you can't find such a campaign in your area, you can buy a pedometer with a reasonable number of features for as little as $20 or even less from some markets or online.

What Exactly Does It Do?

Some very basic models merely count your steps, while others include calories burned, distance walked, speed you've been walking and how long your routine has taken.

Other even more expensive models may include some really fancy things like:

- a soothing voice to tell you how many steps you've taken

- a pulse monitor
- a stopwatch
- a radio and headphones so you can listen to your favorite radio station

- a step filter to achieve greater accuracy
- a back light so you can see your pedometer in the dark.

How Do I Set Up My Pedometer?
First you need to enter your height, weight and average stride length.

To work out your stride length, most instruction guides prompt you to count out a number of steps and divide this number by the overall distance you've covered.
Once it's set up, just follow the instructions to activate the settings you want to use, clip your pedometer to your belt and off you go.

How Do I Take Readings?

At any point after you've started your routine, you can stop, flip open the pedometer and take a reading. Of course, you shouldn't do this too often as this will interrupt the rhythm of your walk.

You can work out the progress you're making by checking the number of steps taken, the distance you've traveled, the calories you've burned and so on.

How Does This Provide Me More Motivation?

The great thing about wearing a pedometer is that you begin to think about the number of steps you've taken towards your daily target.

It creates a
'walking mindset' and you suddenly start to look for walking opportunities.

If you had to be dragged kicking and screaming to take up a fitness routine, the pedometer is possibly one of the single most important devices you can use to start enjoying exercise.

It's so easy to use and it can transform the way you feel about getting fit. It can take you from resisting the whole idea of exercise, to your really looking forward to it and wanting to do it more.


Because, after using it for a while, you begin to realize that it's really easy to create opportunities to 'walk' into your daily life which makes it easy to incoprorate excercise into your schedule.

Something you thought was going to be such a grind becomes simple.
Did you ever think that was possible?

Well it is. Just get hold of your pedometer and keep wearing it. It can have a really positive effect on your fitness and health.

Remember: the fitter you are the easier it is to say positive and upbeat. The more positive and upbeat you are the more opportunities you'll attract and the more success you'll have.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!