Friday, March 19, 2010

What Needs to Happen?

We've all heard how we need to speak positively about EVERYTHING -- to only talk and think about a situation in terms of how we want it to be, as The Law of Attraction states.

What this means is, we need to avoid talking / moaning / complaining about what we don't like about or what's going on with a situation that we've judged to be going 'wrong' and focus on our attention on what we REALLY want.

The thing is, if we're currently experiencing a situation which is difficult, how can we say and think it's easy or positive ... without feeling like we're lying, especially when we're talking to people who are in the 'know' or are our nearest and dearest?

And how do you do that ... when things just aren't going so well in the moment?
(And you DEFINITELY don't want to keep getting more of the "not so good!")

If you're like me and you spend time inside you're head trying to 'work' things out ... those things that 'realistically' seem impossible ...

One way of dealing with this is to catch yourself in the moment that you're thinking about what you'd rather not have (analyzing it),
then correct youself and refocus on the end result goal.

Sounds simple doens't it ... however simple sometimes isn't easy :)

Sometimes, the current reality iseems so bad, so uncomfortable, it's hard to ignore it. And generally speaking it becomes especially hard when interacting with the other people who are involved and / or know us well.

In the book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles specifically instructs readers to only talk in the most
positive terms about any situations. So if you're stuck and someone asks, what should you say?

Should you say it's a problem or should you say it's all going to be all right and feel like a liar when you smile and put on a positive front about something that's going badly wrong?

It's all about the language you use ...

If someone asks you about a situation that in your mind isn't going particularly well, instead of saying, "Things aren't so
good," you can say ...

'Things are going well! I'm currently
working on (state your situation / challenge), and as a matter of fact, I could use your help!'

People being what they are, are generally more inclined to support people/things/situations that are succeeding rather than things that aren't.

By using something like the above or something similar, you're putting
your situation in its most positive light AND you're also more likely to get buy-in and support from others!

So next time you're inside you're head 'trying' to work something out ... and you can feel that downhill slide into despondancy happening ... give yourself a bit of a shake and ask yourself what you really want ... and what needs to happen in order for you to acheive your outcome!

Let me know how you get on.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

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