Monday, February 8, 2010


2010 is the year of Manifestation ... Suddenly, all kinds of things are becoming possible. It's almost scary ... but ...

There's also something luxurious about the ability to sit around dreaming up possibilities ... dreaming up hopes and fantasies when you happen to know there's a rock-solid obstacle between you and the fulfillment of any of these.

When that rock-solid obstacle disappears, what's to stop you from going ahead? And that's often when the fears become apparent!

It's the reason why the reality of times of opportunity is sometimes not always as enjoyable as it feels and sounds when we're thinking about it in our daydreams.

When the major obstacles are gone and the way is cleared for your dreams to become reality ... albeit there are possibly still a few hurdles in your path - but you know, in your heart, you've cleared the biggest one.

It's then that the time to commit, take action and receive is the here and now ... it's then that the true obstacles become apparent ... The veil is lifted and you realize its time ...

Time to BE who you need to be

Time to Do the things you need to do

Time to have the things and the life you truly deserve to have ... as a unique individual in this Universe!

Don't be afraid of what's becoming possible. It's a gift, not a punishment!

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose,

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!


beth chapman said...

I really like the line - don't be afraid of what is becoming possible it's a gift not punishment. Wow, that's a stunner. Great line. Thanks.

Leanne Watson said...

You're most welcome Beth, from someone who writes as well as you that complimnent has made my day!