Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Roller Coaster of Life!

Today I was reading a post by Kate over at and it really got me thinking. She wrote about how life had handed her some curve balls over the last 18 months and with her birthday coming up in a month she'd made a decision that she was:
... tired of the inertia that I’ve accumulated of hopelessness, apathy and resignation. I’m ready to look up and move away from the negative. But I don’t think it’s enough to move away from something – that just implies escapism and denial; I want to move toward something or somewhere. I want to know my destination and that what I do every day gets me a little bit closer. The real questions, though, behind moving along my journey is “Who am I?” and “Who am I meant to be?”
So ... Enough's enough and she's drawn her proverbial line in the sand! Well done Kate!

The fact is, I could so relate to where she was at that I was motivated to write a comment and as is often the way, in making the comment to Kate, I held the mirror up to myself ... it really got me thinking about my own life.

Over the last 18 months or so i too have been seriously pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone and the results are always startling.

There are times when I set an intention and everything that's so unlike the intention I've set seems to happen, it's mind blowing! It's so easy to end up in bed with the quilt over your head! ;)

And then there are other times when the opportunities just seem to drop out of the sky in apparent randomness ... and that's also mindblowing in a totaly exhilarating, let's throw a party type of way.

It was on this roller coaster of everything unlike what I wanted and everything so like what I wanted in such rapid succession that I finally got to feel what I'd heard so many people talk about in the past ... how it's possible to get excited about the things that go ... well I was about to say wrong ... but ... not to plan is probably more like the true term.

I realized last year that in the past I'd really paid lip service to that point of view. I heard it, I'd read it and a I even agreed with it ... but I hadn't personally experienced it and taken it onboard as my own way of BE-ing. Does that make sense?

I still have moments when I go into blame and abdicate my accountability however it doesn't last as long.

I still have moments when I'd like to curl up under my quilt ... however I've now realized time out is a good restorative.

And then there are those moments when life just hands out one blessing of an opportunity after another ... and more and more times I'm able to find these moments in the things and the situations and circumstances that would once upon a time have seemed like the worst thing in the world.

So the next time something goes awry ... take a few moments and see if you can turn that untoward situation into a gift, the opportunity to shed some old belief or decision that no longer serves you in the direction your now going ... I dare you!

Love life and live it creatively

If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

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