Friday, March 13, 2009

The Power of Intentions

As you may or may not be aware, I've shifted home and office recently.

You know what? Very little is in the same place as it was before! It's incredible how disarming that is. It's so caught me off guard and all the 'routines' I had a the other house have become obsolete.

So how does this relate to intentions you might well ask.

Well I'll tell you.
The other day I needed a letter box. This was a very simple process at the other house, we were surrounded by them. One on each of the main roads surrounding our house and one about a one kilometre round walk. So if I wasn't able to co-ordinate it with a trip out or I was pushed for time to walk myself, one of children could go.

Here however, do you think I could remember to keep my eyes out for one on my trips out, either driving or walking? I'd get home and I still hadn't found one.

The other day I had a letter I HAD to post, it was URGENT! I HAD to have a letter box. Being someone who likes to make the most of trips out, I collected my letter and all the "No longer at this address' mail, both what I had accumulated and that which had been delivered as I was leaving and put it in the car.

I set my inte
ntion 'Today I have to post these letters and I want a letterbox near the house'.

As it happened the car was facing the other way to the direction I had to go and as the street was full of cars, I decided instead of doing a U turn I'd go up our street and down the one behind us.

As I came to the street I had to turn into to get back on track for where I was going ... guess what I saw ... you guessed it ...
directly in front of me ... was a shiny, red Australia Post letterbox!

Now, I realized that seeing as it had been grafitti 'd by some thoughtful person, as you can see in the photo, that it hadn't been put there overnight. Quite frankly I couldn't believe my eyes!

I'm not quite sure how many times I've driven down that street, even come at the street from the same angle and actually even gone for walks along that street and never until that moment had I actually seen the letterbox!

I was dumbfounded! Speechless even!

It got me to thinking ... How amazing is the Power of Intention! And I also thought ... well let's save that for next time ....

Love life and live it creatively,

If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

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