Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Your Subconscious Mind – The Key To Your Successful Life

The Subconscious mind is the most powerful tool a person could use. It functions like a huge secret memory and doesn't formulate any arguments.

It's completely objective and it can’t express any point of view. The neutrality of subconscious mind is the core of every action and reaction our thoughts activate.

Henry Ford was so right when he said, 'If you think you can’t do it or you think you can, you're right.'

Unfortunately, all of us have been programmed by our interpretation of the events of our lives which often led many of us to a lot of unjustified limitations.

The World We Live in

We live in a world full of negativity and it's become daily routine, just read a newspaper or watch TV and our subconscious mind absorbs the tragedies we see.

Strange as it may seem, the world is not only destruction and misery, but it also consists of individuals who achieve extraordinary things starting with nothing. The Media don’t consider these cases “saleable” but that’s another story.

Choose a Happy World
You can choose to reprogram your subconscious mind in order to achieve better results and improve your life in every aspect, Business, Personal, Health etc. The first step to reprogram your subconscious mind is to focus for 30 minutes on the things that are going right in your life, the things you're grateful for.

The first 15 minutes when you get up in the morning and the last 15 minutes before you go to sleep. It’s very critical the first and the last daily thoughts you choose to focus on allow you to feel great, especially before you go to sleep.

Ask Your Subconscious to Help

That time is the best time of the day to meditate and focus on your positive messages. The mind in that condition is more receptive to messages because you're in your that 'relaxed' state as you're coming out of and going into sleep.

When you've got a serious problem to solve and / or you're troubled, focus on your breathing, allow yourself to relax and ask your subconscious to sort for the answer while you sleep peacefully. Generally speaking the answers come along because they already exist in your subconscious mind.

Successful People Use The Power of Their Subconscious
Many scientists have used their subconscious mind to resolve scientific problems. As have successful writers like Marc Twain. Olympic Athletes imagine they win the race many times and do continuous meditation before they start racing.

There's an important note here. You CAN NOT fool your subconscious mind. What ever messages you want to develop have to be real. You need to 'FEEL' the feelings of the message you want to send to your subconscious mind in order to create it.

Remember, change can happen in an instance ... or it can happen in a moment. The subconscious mind has no mind of it's own, it simply holds true whatever you decide is true for you ... the choice is yours.

Love life and live it creatively and on purpose!

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

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