Friday, December 4, 2009

Getting what you focus on

I belong to this wonderful community called The Prosperity Tribe with David and Kristin Morelli. We had our morning call this morning (morning for me anyhow ... that Time Zone thing) and it was fantastic.

After the calls David and Kristin go into the forum and read everyone's posts, commenting and giving feedback ... I actually posted today and received an incredible Next Step! ...

Because they do this lots of people go into the forum and it's a real hive of activity of people posting comments and feedback about the calls and to each other ... such a great community.

While reading the posts I came across this one ... names removed ... which really made a fabulous point ... Not sure about you, but for me stories and examples make things so much more ... useable ... relevant ...

And in terms of 'Getting what you focus on' ... even when everything seems nothing is going the way you REALLY want it to ... this one is amazing! Read on ...

I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement, and something that worked for me that will probably work for you if you choose to use it.

I have been in the same type of vibration before, where it seems as if NOTHING is going right and things are just getting worse - you know, the downward spiral. If not the downward spiral, then just the status quo, where it just seems to be the same thing over and over again with nothing shifting.

What I found (and still use all the time) that really worked powerfully for me was that if I focused - and kept my attention! - on all of the many, many, many things that were going RIGHT, more and more things would start going right.

It is wonderful to do that deliberately, because when you do it deliberately and you watch your life shift around you because you are EXPECTING it to, then you really know that YOU are in control.

My e-mail signature says, "The way my life is right now is a direct result of my habits of thought."

I came to this realization when I decided, during a time when I was running for my life and homeless in the streets of Phoenix in 110 degree heat (having come from Oregon, where it was 60 degrees), that even in that situation - being a woman alone in a giant, unfamiliar city - that I had FAR more in my life to be grateful for than I did to complain about.

(This became my mantra during that time. "I have far more in my life to be grateful for than I do to complain about. Okay, what can I find right here and right now to be grateful for?")

Deliberately using it as a mantra, because I could feel the difference between, "Oh my God I'm so scared and I don't know what I'm going to do!!" and "I can be grateful for my cellular phone, because with it I can call my children in Oregon." Or whatever I would happen to think of.

When I deliberately focused my attention on what was going RIGHT, I found more and more things going RIGHT - because I was open and willing to see them, BECAUSE I WAS LOOKING FOR THEM.

And things began falling into place for me and within three weeks of running from Oregon I had the best job I'd ever had in my life, I had made some wonderful new friends (this was nine years ago and they are still my wonderful friends), and I had a place to live.

I firmly and absolutely believe that, "Where I place my attention I am placing my intention." (Mary Manin Morrissey) And when I place my attention on everything that's going right, the Universe says, "Okay! Here's some more wonderful stuff for you to add to your list!"

Isn't that the most inspiring story ... So ...

Where are you placing your attention right now? I'd love to know ... or if you have an inspiring story of your own then please share ...

Love life and live it creatively,

PS If you’re looking to feel great about yourself and your life check out our fabulous audios at MindRight Programming Tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life!


Egghead said...

Wow Leanne!
What an inspiring story :)
It's another example of how the universe gives us whatever we focus our attention on.
I started saying a mantra recently. It goes like"Thy will be done" gives me a lot of peace and fills me with gratitude for whatever the universe has given me so far :)

Leanne Watson said...

Sounds like a fabulous mantra Egghead ... and for all of us, its what works for the individual ...

What gives you that sense of peace and forward movement ...

The wonderful thing about the law of attraction and taking responsibility for where you're at, is, if you don't like the results you're getting all you have to do is change the way you're thinking.

If you don't like the results, then ask yourself ... 'What do I really want?' :)